
00190030UTC09 by sam
00180031UTC05 by sam
00170031UTC10 by admin
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00170031UTC03 by sam
Jake the Farm Horse 10 days after his initial injury. Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5… Read More
00170031UTC01 by admin
Day 1: Initial injury presented to the clinic from a road traffic accident Staff cleaned and de-brided off non‐viable tissue, administered necessary injectable medications before topically filling… Read More
00170031UTC01 by admin
Mr Mallo cut his off-hind leg 3 weeks before this photo. For 3 weeks his owner was bandaging and using dressings costing £7/ day. The wound was not progressing, he developed a capped hock and pressure… Read More
00160031UTC12 by admin
The pony was presented to the veterinary surgeon with sunburn of the pink skin around the nose and lips (Image 1). On day 1 a moderate amount of FiltaBac was applied to the affected areas (Image 2).… Read More
00160031UTC12 by admin
The dog presented with acute ototis externa and swelling of right eye and febrile (40.4%C). She was treated with antibiotics (clavulanic acid/amoxicillin) and her ears were flushed with 0.5%… Read More
00160031UTC12 by admin
Cutlass is a donkey that presented at the GHDT with a large wound to the side of his abdomen. It was weeping, with dead necrotic tissue that required cutting back and cleaning. FiltaBac was than used… Read More